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You are Viewing #s 651 - 660 of 1862 Patterns Containing the Category

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AO1056 - Flame Flower 1- Interlocking E2E

A fast sewing edge to edge pattern with a dramatic flare!

Provided 10" high, this pattern sewed out great from 6" to 14". It sews out very quickly and has good coverage.

$ 7.00

AO1057 - Sharp Stuff 2 - Interlocking Edge to Edge

$ 8.00

AO1058 - Flashy Fireworks 1 - Interlocking Edge to Edge

$ 10.00

AO1059 - Feathery Bumps - E2E

A pattern reminiscent of peacock feathers.

Although there is a lot of overstitching, this pattern features excellent coverage AND as it can be sewn quite large, it is surprisingly fast to sew out! Provided 10" tall, we challenged this pattern by sewing it as small as 3" and as large as 13" with good results! The pattern is 'Easy Fit" which means it can be sewn row after row with no additional spacing or overlap between rows. That makes it an ideal 'no fuss' pattern.

$ 9.00

AO1060 - Sweet Swirl - Interlocking Edge to Edge

$ 8.00

AP1000 - Autumn Leaves - Stitch-N-Snip Applique Runner

This pattern can be downloaded for FREE of charge by going to "HELP / VIDEOS / INFO --> Stitch-N-Snip Applique" from the Main Menu. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING TERMS of USE: Pattern is provided free of charge for personal use only. Pattern may not be reposted, shared, or otherwise distributed. All downloads must be from this page and site. Do not provide a direct link. Pattern is Copyright 2013 - Munnich Design LLC.

$ 1.00

AP1002 - Emerald Ivy - Stitch-N-Snip Applique Runner

$ 16.00

AP1003 - Jacobean Swirl - Stitch-N-Snip Applique Runner

$ 16.00

AP1004 - Touch of the Tropics 1 - Stitch-N-Snip Applique Runner

$ 16.00

AP1005 - Fall Flowers - Stitch-N-Snip Applique Runner

$ 16.00

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Note that this search will return ALL patterns that have the specified category - not only patterns with a MAIN category match. For example, there are AN (animal) patterns that are also rated as Juvenile (Kids and Baby) patterns. There will appear when you search on Juvenile (Kids and Baby).