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You are Viewing #s 641 - 650 of 1862 Patterns Containing the Category

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AO1046 - ZigZag Foliage Panto

Spaces between rows are completely hidden with this leafy pattern

Great detail and florish are the primary feature of this pattern. Provided 10" high, this pattern sews out effectively at as small as 5" and as large as 12".

$ 8.00

AO1047 - Big Leaf Panto 1

Big, beautiful and fast sewing!

These fast sewing leaves have a slightly exotic look so they fit right in with many of the ethnic fabrics that are gaining in popularity for quilting. Provided 12" tall, this pattern sewed nicely from 5" to 12" high.

$ 7.00

AO1048 - Echoing Feather Bumps 1 - E2E

A fast sewing pattern that is EASY FIT (interlocks natually).

Provided 10" tall, we were able to sew this pattern as small as 3" to create a dense pattern that had a truly stunning effect! It is a fast and easy pattern to sew out and creates a natural interlock for easy spacing. Pattern can also be sewn much larger, so it is very versatile.

$ 9.00

AO1049 - Echoing Stars 2 - E2E

A great Geometric pattern with a short repeat

While provided 10" tall, there is really no limit to how big or small this pattern can be sewn (unquilted space always needs to be considered)! We sewed it out very slowly at 3" and it worked great. Pattern requires a small amount of overlap between rows to create a background with moderately even coverage. The short repeat makes it an ideal pattern for small quilts.

$ 8.00

AO1050 - Free Motion Flower Frenzy - E2E

A unique pattern that gives the impression of FREE MOTION on your quilt.

With the many requests we get for patterns that LOOK more like free motion, this design certainly fits the bill! Pattern must be stagged/offset by 50% and overlapped to create the look of real free motion - however, the results are well worth it. Provided 10" tall, we recommend sewing sizes of 5" - 12".

$ 10.00

AO1051 - Button Up 1 - E2E

A fun, fast sewing pattern.

Provided 8" tall, we tested this pattern from 4" to 10" with good results. It is a VERY fun pattern, and best of all, it is EASY FIT - which means it is not necessary to leave any extra space or overlap the pattern from row to row.

$ 8.00

AO1052 - Sharp Stuff - Interlocking Edge to Edge

A spikey rendition of one of most popular pattern "shapes".

Spikey is fun! We audtioned this pattern on African Themed fabric and results wowed us! It's fun and fast sewing with even coverage. Provided just under 10" high, we sewed it from 6" to 12" with good results. This is an EASY FIT pattern which means it can be sewn out row after row with no overlap or additional space in between rows.

$ 8.00

AO1053 - Carpet Scroll 1 - E2E

A great edge to edge pattern that complements OR1057

An ornate edge to edge pattern that creates a breathtaking background, yet sews very quilckly! It has a moderate interlock between rows. We've set it up with a "flat edge" so that there is no awkward empty space at the beginning or end of a row - and no need to trim! Provided 10" high, this pattern was tested from 6" to 12" with excellent results. Larger is fine too! This is a great pattern to put in your library when you want outstanding style, but want to get a quilt done fast!

$ 14.00

AO1054 - Carpet Scroll 2 - E2E

A great edge to edge pattern that complements OR1058

An ornate edge to edge pattern that creates a breathtaking background, yet sews very quilckly! It has a moderate interlock between rows. We've set it up with a "flat edge" so that there is no awkward empty space at the beginning or end of a row - and no need to trim! Provided 10" high, this pattern was tested from 6" to 12" with excellent results. Larger is fine too! This is a great pattern to put in your library when you want outstanding style, but want to get a quilt done fast!

$ 14.00

AO1055 - Trattoria1 - E2E

This pattern matches the 1021X Coordinates set.

Provided 8" high, this patten can be effectively sewn from 4" to 12"! It has good, even coverage and can be sewn row after row with no additional spacing or overlap.

$ 12.00

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