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You are Viewing #s 931 - 940 of 1862 Patterns Containing the Category

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EZ1048 - Lazy Geometric Sun

A simple, fast sewing variation of a sunrise pattern

Provided 10" high, this pattern is at home on not only a modern quilt, but on Oriental flavor quilts as well. It was tested as small as 5" and as large as 14" with no issues.

$ 6.00

EZ1049 - Spring Toy 1

Simple, entertaining pattern with good, dense coverage.

Provided 10" high, this is a great pattern to sew out quite LARGE if need be. We tested it up to 16" high and it sewed beautifully. It gives good coverage, but because the lines don't require "exact" placement, it can be sewn out a high production speeds.

$ 6.00

EZ1050 - Oak and Acorn Edge to Edge

A fast sewing version with a traditional look!

Provided 10" high, this patterns was tested from 6" to 13" with no issues.

$ 7.00

EZ1051 - Big and Leafy, Over and Under

A fast-sewing patterns for smaller sewing heads (or quilts!)

Provided 8" high, this pattern works great sewn as small as 4", and if a large, open pattern is desired, looks great at 10" or larger.

$ 7.00

EZ1052 - Fast and Easy Flower Chain

A fast and simple pattern for smaller sewing heads

Provided 8" high, we recommend that you do not sew this pattern much larger than that. However, it can be sewn as small as 4" and is very effective.

$ 8.00

EZ1054 - Easy Ironwork Leaves E2E

Two very fast sewing patterns plus a bonus variation.

This pair of patterns is so fast to sew it is amazing. Choose the single row and offset/stagger every other row 50% to create a directional background, OR choose our double version and sew row after row. In both cases the patterns interlock, so overlap is required and instructions are included in the pattern files and accompanying notes. Patterns are provided at 6" for the single and 8" for the double. The double version also includes a special "flat edge" version so that clipping the pattern is unnecessary. Both pattern can be sewn quite small - we reduced them to 35% of their original size with no problems. We found them a bit open at larger sizes, but it depends on the look you want!

$ 12.00

EZ1055 - A Little Bit Spikey - E2E

A fast sewing Edge to Edge pattern with good, even coverage!

This pattern is VERY easy to use as there is no overlap. Simply sew it out row after row to create a tasteful background fill with even coverage. Provided 8" high, our testers sewed it out from 4" to 12" with no problems. It is very likely you could go even larger if desired!

$ 10.00

EZ1056 - Easy Echoes 1 - E2E

A fast sewing Edge to Edge pattern with good, even coverage!

This pattern is VERY easy to use as there is no overlap (or a small amount if a tighter look is desired). Simply sew it out row after row to create a tasteful background fill with even coverage. Provided 8" high, our testers sewed it out from 4" to 12" with no problems. It is very likely you could go even larger if desired!

$ 10.00

EZ1057 - Kiddie Flowers 1 - Edge to Edge

Pattern include a bonus motif

Need an informal pattern that reminiscent of what every mom has posted on her fridge at some point? This fun flower pattern is fast sewing and gives great even coverage for those special quilting jobs. Provided 10" high, we sewed this pattern out from 7" to 15" with no issues. It is an EASY FIT pattern which means it can be sewn out row after row with no space in between rows to create a pleasing background.

$ 12.00

EZ1058 - EZ-Sew Tulips - Edge to Edge

A fast sewing flower pattern that has a fee-motion style to it!

Provided 8" tall, this pattern sews out amazingly quickly. While the rows must be overlapped, they are very forgiving. If you want a quilt done quickly, this pattern is a great choice. It can also be sewn out quite small. We tried it as small as 4" and as large as 11" with good results. NOTE: This is a POINT TO POINT pattern.

$ 9.00

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