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Collections Available
Collections are special groupings of patterns that are sold together at an economical price. Unlike our regular pattern sets, most collections are only offered in a single format to facilitate downloading and generous price breaks. Back-up discs are available at additional cost.

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You are Viewing #s 451 - 460 of 1862 Patterns Containing the Category

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1038X05 - Aethetics 1 - Border and Corner 1

$ 14.00

1038X06 - Aethetics 1 - Border and Corner 2

$ 14.00

1039X01 - Loralie Collection - Block1: Full Half and Quarter

$ 14.00

1039X02 - Loralie Collection - Block2: Full Half and Quarter

$ 14.00

1039X03 - Loralie Collection - Triangle 1

$ 10.00

1039X04 - Loralie Collection - Triangle 2

$ 10.00

1039X05 - Loralie Collection - Border and Corner

$ 18.00

1040X01 - Penelope Feather Collection - Block: Full Half and Quarter

$ 14.00

1040X02 - Penelope Feather Collection - Triangle

$ 10.00

1040X03 - Penelope Feather Collection - Border and Corner

$ 18.00

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Note that this search will return ALL patterns that have the specified category - not only patterns with a MAIN category match. For example, there are AN (animal) patterns that are also rated as Juvenile (Kids and Baby) patterns. There will appear when you search on Juvenile (Kids and Baby).