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You are Viewing #s 1821 - 1830 of 1862 Patterns Containing the Category

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SE1013 - Easter Lilly by Kris with variation

Two Easter motifs with religious overtones.

Two Easter Lilies by Kris Bowyer - one featuring a cross and the other without (NOT PICTURED). There are minor amounts of overstitching contained in the one with the cross. Pattern is supplied 8" high plus an additional 5" version for the PC Quilter.

$ 5.00

SE1014 - Snowfall by Kris

Continuous snowflakes arranged along a gentle curve

A great border or all over pattern. These snowflakes look great on a Christmas theme or other seasonal quilt. Pattern is provided 10" high for easy resizing.

$ 8.00

SE1015 - Snappy Snowmen by Kris

3 snowmen with GREAT PERSONALITY!

Kris really has a winner here. Her 3 snowmen are designed to be sewn on a border or for a strip quilt. Mount your quilt "sideways" for best effect.

$ 8.00

SE1016 - Fireworks Stripe by Kris

Celebrate the holiday with a bang!

Created by Kris Bowyer, this is a great pattern for a strip quilt, border, or for an all over pattern. Mount your quilt "sideways" for best effect.

$ 6.00

SE1017 - Simple Tumbling Snowmen 1

Simple tumbling snowmen with brooms and top hats amid elongated heart snowflakes!

Fast sewing and fun! This pattern interlocks or "nests" when used as is - or better yet, offset every other row 50% for more variation (pattern is also effective being offset 25 or 75%).These snowmen tumble between snowflakes made of elongated hearts. Effective when sewn from 5" - 12" high.

$ 8.00

SE1018 - Gingerbread Man 1 - Continuous and Motif

Two detailed Gingerbread Man patterns feature decorations and big smiles!

A motif and a continuous pattern both supplied 8" high (plus an additional 5" version for the PC Quilter). When the continuous pattern is offset 50% every other row, the pattern will interlock or "nest".

$ 8.00

SE1019 - Old Fashioned Christmas Lights

A great selection of holiday patterns featuring a variety of all over patterns and a stipple

Our twisting and turning string of lights is a perfect compliment to a a holiday quilt. Choose from alternating rows ro create an all over pattern without visible repeats (8" high), use a single strand for sashing (8" high), use the standard "straight" lights which also interlock from row to row (with or without loops - 8" high) OR use our great string of lights stipple (15" high). Very versatile! An additional set of smaller patterns is also included for the PC Quilter. Depending on your choice of pattern, they can sew out well from 3" to 20"!

$ 16.00

SE1020 - Simple Tumbling Gingerbread Men

Gingerbread and Spritzel Cookies alternate in a playful all over holiday pattern.

Use this pattern alone, or for the ULTIMATE variety, combine it with our Simple Tumbling Snowmen! The pattern spacing is the same so they will easily interlock from row to row. Supplied 8" high (PLUS additional 5" version for the PC Quitler. Stagger/offset every other row 50% to create less of a vertical repeat.

$ 8.00

SE1021 - Chick-N Friends by Kris

5 happy chicks in varying poses are on a spring fling!

Kris has done it again with 5 cute motifs. Each is provided at varying sizes, but sew out fine from 5" to 10" tall. There is lots of overstitching to bring out subtle details, but the patterns still sew out reasonably fast.

$ 12.00

SE1022 - Pinecones and Needles 1

Quick sewing pineneedles and pinecones in an all over pattern

Provided at 10" high (plus a 5" PC Quilter version), this pattern has no overstitching. It is a perfect compliment for a seasonal table runner or quilt. Instructions on needle placement to create the interlocking look are included. Pattern is sewn row after row and there is no offsetting.

$ 5.00

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