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You are Viewing #s 1151 - 1160 of 1862 Patterns Containing the Category

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FR1049 - Flower Majick 1 E2E

Reminiscent of Jacobean-style textiles, this pattern is very fast sewing

Provided 10" high, this pattern was tested from 6" to 14". It look great at all sizes!

$ 10.00

FR1050 - Flower Majick 2 E2E

Matches our FR1051 Flower Majick series.

Quick sewing edge to edge pattern provided 10" high has good coverage and deeply interlocking rows. Resizable from 6" to 15".

$ 10.00

FR1051 - Flower Majick Stem Collection

10 motifs form the basis of a new series...

The largest of these motifs are 10" tall, and the balance are provided at varying heights proportional to them. This is a "spot" motif. We sewed these out with a double strand of RED embroidery thread to simulate redwork and they were a big hit. They are great "filler" for a plain block or rectagular areas on a garden quilt. WATCH FOR PANTOS, BLOCKS and more complementing this series over the next few months.

$ 32.00

FR1052 - Row By Row Flower 1

Part of the Row By Row flower Series

This pattern series is "naturally" interlocking and is a great way to do a garden quilt! You can use a single pattern for the whole quilt, or do one row of each. Provided 10" high, we sewed this pattern at 5" - 14" with no issues

$ 10.00

FR1053 - Row By Row Flower 2

Part of the Row By Row flower Series

This pattern series is "naturally" interlocking and is a great way to do a garden quilt! You can use a single pattern for the whole quilt, or do one row of each. Provided 10" high, we sewed this pattern at 5" - 14" with no issues

$ 10.00

FR1054 - Spring Flower Motifs

An assortment of 8 spring motifs

Provided 8" - 10" high, this series is ideal to use in odd shaped blocks or in the center of a plain block to compliment floral applique. In general, patterns can be sewn effectively as small as 50% OR as large as 150% of original size.

$ 22.00

FR1055 - Simple Sprays

A larger fast sewing pattern with even coverage.

Provided 12" high, this pattern was tested as being effective from 8" - 15" high. It has good, even coverage and interlocks nicely.

$ 9.00

FR1056 - Fast Spring Floral 1 - E2E

Ultra fast sewing pattern with no overlap

Provided 8" tall, this pattern is effective sewn from 3" - 10" depending on desired density. It is very simple and fast sewing yet creates a beautiful background fill. The pattern "naturally" interlocks so it can be sewn out row after row with no space in between rows.

$ 8.00

FR1057 - Fast Spring Floral 2 - E2E

A fast sewing pattern with a slightly more formal look.

Provided 8" tall, this pattern is effective sewn from 3" - 10" depending on desired density. It is very simple and fast sewing yet creates a beautiful background fill. The pattern "naturally" interlocks so it can be sewn out row after row with no space in between rows.

$ 8.00

FR1058 - Fast Spring Floral 3 - E2E

Fast to sew - a great daisy-type pattern!

Provided 8" tall, this pattern is effective sewn from 5" - 10" depending on desired density. It is very simple and fast sewing yet creates a beautiful background fill. The pattern "naturally" interlocks so it can be sewn out row after row with no space in between rows.

$ 8.00

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